fellows books

Struggling for Time: environmental governance and Agrarian Resistance in Israel/Palestine

Struggling for Time examines how time is used as a mechanism of control by the Israeli state and a site of mundane resistance among Palestinian agriculture professionals. Natalia Gutkowski unpacks power structures to show how a settler society lays moral claim on indigenous time through agrarian environmental policies, science, technologies, landscapes, and bureaucracy. Shifting the analysis of Israel/Palestine from land and space to time, she offers new insight into the operation of power in agrarian environments and develops a contemporary framework to understand land and resource grabs under temporal justifications.

Traveling across both policymaking arenas and Palestinian citizens' agrarian fields, Gutkowski follows the multiple ways that state officials, agronomists, planners, environmentalists, and agriculturalists use time as a tool of collective agency. Through investigations of wetland drainage in Galilee, transformations in olive agriculture, sustainable agrarian development, and regulation of the shmita biblical commandment, the "year of release" for agricultural fields, this work highlights how Palestinian citizens' agriculture has become a site for the state to settle and mediate time conflicts to justify its existence. As Struggling for Time demonstrates, time politics will take on ever greater urgency as societies and governments plan for an uncertain future in our era of climate change.

Refiguring Global Challenges: Literary and Cinematic Explorations of War, Inequality, and Migration.

An important task for scholars of cultural studies and the humanities, as well as for artistic creators, is to refigure the frames and concepts by which the world as we know it is kept in place. Without these acts of refiguration, the future could only ever be more of the (violent) same. In close dialogue with literary and cinematic works and practices, the essays of this volume help refigure and rethink such pressing contemporary issues as migration, inequality, racism, post-coloniality, political violence and human-animal relations. A range of fresh perspectives are introduced, amounting to a call for intellectuals to remain critically engaged with the social and planetary.

Among the contributors:

Mieke Bal, Dominick LaCapra, Sunayani Bhattacharya, and more.

Konstruktion und Manifestation von ‚Frauenmystik’

Die Arbeit schlägt einen neuen methodischen Ansatz in Bezug auf sogenannte ›frauenmystische‹ Texte des Mittelalters vor. Hierbei rückt die handschriftliche Überlieferung verstärkt in den Fokus, da der einzelne Textträger in seinen jeweiligen kultur- und literaturhistorischen Kontexten verortet wird. Am Beispiel der reichen oberdeutschen Überlieferung des Liber specialis gratiae der Mechthild von Hackeborn können auf diese Weise signifikante Einsichten in spezifische Rezeptionsdynamiken gewonnen werden. Die Arbeit ist daher nicht nur für die germanistische Mediävistik, sondern auch für die Geschichtswissenschaft, die Historischen Hilfswissenschaften, die Theologie und die Gender Studies interessant sowie für alle, die sich mit mittelalterlicher Religions- und Handschriftenkultur beschäftigen.


Dhimma im Kontext des zaiditischen Jemen ("Dhimma in Zaydi Yemen")

Dieses Buch analysiert das Verhältnis zwischen dem jemenitischen König Imam Yaḥyā Ḥamīd al-Dīn und den Juden:Jüdinnen Sanaas aus islamrechtlicher Perspektive. Es beleuchtet sowohl Imam Yahyas Dhimma-Politik als auch die Handlungsmacht von Juden:Jüdinnen als Dhimmis. Es kombiniert erstmals jüdische Erinnerungsliteratur und jemenitische Historiographie aus dem 20. Jhd. mit zum Teil bis heute grundlegenden Texten zaiditischen Rechts (fiqh) aus dem 14.-19. Jhd.

Sonnengrüße: Die sumerischen Kiutu-Gebetsbeschwörungen
Was sind die Kiutu-Gebetsbeschwörungen? Was sind ihre besonderen Merkmale im Vergleich zu anderen Arten von Gebetsbeschwörungen? Unter Verwendung vieler bisher unveröffentlichter Texte bietet dieses Buch die erste vollständige philologische Edition eines Korpus der sumerischen Literatur, der in der Wissenschaft oft unterrepräsentiert ist. Das Buch untersucht diese speziell an den Sonnengott gerichtete Texttypologie und ordnet sie in die breitere Geschichte der mesopotamischen Literatur und Religion ein. Einzigartig ist, dass diese Typologie von Gebetsbeschwörungen die Bewegung der Sonne am Himmel mit der Tageszeit verbindet, zu der sie vorgetragen wurde, was uns einen seltenen Einblick in die praktische Realität der mesopotamischen religiösen Praxis gewährt.
What are the Kiutu incantation-prayers? What are their distinctive features in comparison to other types of incantation-prayers? Making use of many previously unpublished texts, this book offers the first complete philological edition of a corpus of Sumerian literature often underrepresented in scholarship. The book examines this textual typology specifically addressed to the Sun god finding its place within the broader history of Mesopotamian literature and religion. Uniquely, this typology of incantation-prayers connects the movement of the sun in the sky to the time of day when it was performed, giving us a rare glimpse into the practical realities of Mesopotamian religious practice.
Gemeinsam gegen Deutschland. Warschaus jiddische Presse im Kampf gegen den Nationalsozialismus (1930–1941)

By analyzing Warsaw’s Yiddish daily press, this volume reveals how Polish Jews gained and disseminated subversive knowledge of National Socialist Germany in spite of censorship and repression, and also initiated campaigns of protest and solidarity to the benefit of the people being persecuted there.

Charity in Saudi Arabia - Civil Society under Authoritarianism

In this innovative study of everyday charity practices in Jeddah, Nora Derbal employs a 'bottom-up' approach to challenge dominant narratives about state-society relations in Saudi Arabia. Exploring charity organizations in Jeddah, this book both offers a rich ethnography of associational life and counters Riyadh-centric studies which focus on oil, the royal family, and the religious establishment. It closely follows those who work on the ground to provide charity to the local poor and needy, documenting their achievements, struggles and daily negotiations. The lens of charity offers rare insights into the religiosity of ordinary Saudis, showing that Islam offers Saudi activists a language, a moral frame, and a worldly guide to confronting inequality. With a view to the many forms of local community activism in Saudi Arabia, this book examines perspectives that are too often ignored or neglected, opening new theoretical debates about civil society and civic activism in the Gulf.

The Neo-Aramaic Oral Heritage of the Jews of Zakho
Dr. Oz Aloni. 2022. The Neo-Aramaic Oral Heritage Of The Jews Of Zakho. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
Aloni focuses on three genres of the Zakho community's oral heritage: the proverb, the enriched biblical narrative and the folktale . Each chapter draws on the authors' own fieldwork among members of the Zakho community now living in Jerusalem. He examines the proverb in its performative context, the rewritten biblical epic narrative of Ruth, Naomi and King David, and a folktale with the unusual theme of magical gender transformation. Insightfully breaking down these examples with analysis drawn from a variety of conceptual fields, Aloni succeeds in his mission to put the speakers of the language and their culture on equal footing with their speech.
Indonesians and Their Arab World: Guided Mobility among Labor Migrants and Mecca Pilgrims

Southeast Asia Program Publications Cornell University Press

Indonesians and Their Arab World explores the ways contemporary Indonesians understand their relationship to the Arab world. Despite being home to the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia exists on the periphery of an Islamic world centered around the Arabian Peninsula. Mirjam Lücking approaches the problem of interpreting the current conservative turn in Indonesian Islam by considering the ways personal relationships, public discourse, and matters of religious self-understanding guide two groups of Indonesians who actually travel to the Arabian Peninsula—labor migrants and Mecca pilgrims—in becoming physically mobile and making their mobility meaningful. This concept, which Lücking calls "guided mobility," reveals that changes in Indonesian Islamic traditions are grounded in domestic social constellations and calls claims of outward Arab influence in Indonesia into question. With three levels of comparison (urban and rural areas, Madura and Central Java, and migrants and pilgrims), this ethnographic case study foregrounds how different regional and socioeconomic contexts determine Indonesians' various engagements with the Arab world.

Visits to the Old Hometown
Dr. Lina Nikou. 2020. Visits To The Old Hometown.

Lina Nikou’s dissertation was just published byNeofelis: Besuche in der alten Heimat. Einladungsprogramme für ehemals Verfolgte des Nationalsozialismus in München, Frankfurt am Main und Berlin / Visits to the old hometown. Invitation programs for former victims of National Socialism in Munich, Frankfurt on the Main and Berlin.

Here you can find an interview with the author about her book (in German): Interview mit der Historikerin und Kulturwissenschaftlerin Lina Nikou über ihren Beitrag zur Aufarbeitung der deutsch-jüdischen Nachkriegsgeschichte v. Marcella Christiani (ZEIT-Stiftung, April 2020).

And here you can find her talk “Visits and Counter Visits Between German Cities and Their Former Citizens in Israel Since the 1960s” about an extract of her book which she held online at an event of the Leo Back Institute in Jerusalem on Mai 26th 2020 (starting at minute 00:55).


Die zionistische Komödie im Drama Sammy Gronemanns

Sammy Gronemann (1875–1952) is among the most famous German-language Zionist dramatists. His history extends from earliest foundation of the Zionist movement to its realization in the Jewish State, a process to which Gronemann contributed substantially. His complete dramas – excluding comedies – reflect this history and are analyzed in detail for the first time in this book.

Possessed Voices - Aural Remains from Modernist Hebrew Theater
Analyzes audio recordings of interwar Hebrew plays, providing a new model for the use of sound in theater studies.

Possessed Voices tells the intriguing story of a largely unknown collection of audio recordings, a valuable tool for understanding historical theater, which preserve performances of modernist interwar Hebrew plays. Seldom used in scholarship, Ruthie Abeliovich focuses on four recordings: a 1931 recording of The Eternal Jew (1919), a 1965 recording of The Dybbuk (1922), a 1961 radio play of The Golem (1925), and a 1952 radio play of Yaakov and Rachel (1928). Abeliovich traces the spoken language of modernist Hebrew theater as grounded in multiple modalities of expressive practices, including spoken Hebrew, Jewish liturgical sensibilities supplemented by Yiddish intonation and other vernacular accents, and in relation to prevalent theatrical forms. The book shows how these performances provided Jewish immigrants from Europe with a venue for lamenting the decline of their home communities and for connecting their memories to the present. Analyzing sonic material against the backdrop of its artistic, cultural, and ideological contexts, Abeliovich develops a critical framework for the study of sound as a discipline in its own right in theater scholarship.

“The author’s focus on historicizing and analyzing sound recordings and radio plays as a means to tackle the pervasive ephemerality problem in theater studies is a novel and valuable approach that represents a significant intervention in the field. These types of sources have had scant attention in theater studies to date, but Abeliovich makes a compelling argument that they belong at the center.” — Debra Caplan, author of Yiddish Empire: The Vilna Troupe, Jewish Theater, and the Art of Itinerancy
Suicide in Uniform: Choice, Duty and Guilt in Israeli Society

Once in a while, the Israeli public learns from the news that a soldier has disappeared or died. Later on, it is reported that the soldier committed suicide. These deaths are usually tended through psychological concepts and procedures. However, a cultural perceptive unfolds the institutional and political aspects of military suicide. Examining the social order in Israel, Suicide in Uniform discusses questions such as: Why has the notion of "suicidality" gained its overwhelming explanatory power? What are the norms that  render commanders and mental health officers the main figures responsible for suicide prevention? What are the rules that prohibit some bereaved parents from receiving military compensations? How is suicide explained in relation to the sacrifice of life demanded of soldiers and in relation to contemporary military missions? This book illuminates seven decades of social negotiations with the meaning of military suicide, as Israeli society shapes its ideals of heroism, individuality and solidarity.

Esoteric Images: Decoding the Late Herat School of Painting
In Esoteric Images: Decoding the Late Herat School of Painting Tawfiq Daʿadli decodes the pictorial language which flourished in the city of Herat, modern Afghanistan, under the rule of the last Timurid ruler, Sultan Husayn Bayqara (r.1469-1506). This study focuses on one illustrated manuscript of a poem entitled Khamsa by the Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi, kept in the British Library under code Or.6810. Tawfiq Daʿadli decodes the paintings, reveals the syntax behind them and thus deciphers the message of the whole manuscript. The book combines scholarly efforts to interpret theological-political lessons embedded in one of the foremost Persian schools of art against the background of the court dynamic of an influential medieval power in its final years.
Staging Doubt Skepticism in Early Modern European Drama
DRr. Leonie Pawlita. 9/2019. Staging Doubt Skepticism In Early Modern European Drama, Pp. 381.

This volume considers the influential revival of ancient philosophical skepticism in the 16th and early 17th centuries and investigates, from a comparative perspective, its reception in early modern English, Spanish and French drama, dedicating detailed readings to plays by Shakespeare, Calderón, Lope de Vega, Rotrou, Desfontaines, and Cervantes. While all the plays employ similar dramatic devices for "putting skepticism on stage", the study explores how these dramas, however, give different "answers" to the challenges posed by skepticism in relation to their respective historico-cultural and "ideological" contexts.