Uncle Sam’s Slaves: Enslaved Military Servants and the United States Army, 1776-1876 Mon, 27/01/202510:00Activities Colloquium Focus colloquia
The Buber-Scholion-Polonsky Annual Gathering Tue, 14/01/202513:30Activities Focus Workshops & conferences
Exploring Humanity: The Joint Workshop on “What Makes Us Human?” Tue, 07/01/202513:50Activities Focus Workshop Workshops & conferences
On Textual Understanding: Teaching Complexity in Turkish History through Romance Philology Mon, 02/12/202408:10Activities Colloquium Focus colloquia
Celebratory Migranticization? Questioning the Histories and Practices of Racialization in the Arts Wed, 20/11/202409:10Activities Focus Workshop Workshops & conferences
New Sources and Perspectives for the Study of Early Modern Jewish History: Texts and Contexts Sun, 14/07/2024 to Mon, 15/07/2024Activities Workshops & conferences
Preventing Memoricide in the Face of Genocide: Eastern European Jewish Survivor landsmanshaftn as Keepers of di mame-loshn and Communities of Mourning after the Shoah Mon, 15/07/2024Activities colloquia
The Multilingual Imperial Tradition in China: Tracing a Hidden History Mon, 01/07/2024Activities colloquia
Buber and Polonsky Fellows' Visit to the "Taste of Heaven" Food Exhibition Tue, 04/06/2024Activities excursions
The Trail of Meat and Booze – Jewish Conversions to Christianity in 17th to 19th-Century Silesia Mon, 03/06/202411:00Activities colloquia