Medical, psychological
Economic anthropology
Intersections of anthropology and philosophy
Feminist epistemologies
Email: yaelassor@gmail.com
Personal website: Yael Assor
Current Projects
My current research examines the ethical assumptions underlying the notion of "medical effectiveness" in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), a central policy-making tool for determining healthcare funding allocation worldwide. While CEA aims to provide a standardized, value-free measurement of different health technologies, its calculation requires making various assumptions about what is "good health" and who should determine it.
Curriculum Vitae
Fellowships and Grants
2022-2024 Israel Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Grant (grant number 95/22)
2021-2022 Tel Aviv University Rector's Postdoctoral Fellowship
2020 Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association International Scholarship
2019-2020 Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA Graduate Division
2018 Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies Graduate Student Research Fellowship
2017 UCLA International Center Fieldwork Fellowship
2012 Shaine Fellowship, Sociology and Anthropology Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2022 Honorary mention, Max Gluckman Prize for best dissertation, Israeli Anthropological Association
2018 UCLA Department of Anthropology Summer Research Awar
2016 Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Award, Graduate Division, UCLA
2015 Lemelson/Society for Psychological Anthropology Pre-Dissertation Award, American Anthropological Association
2014 Ursula Mandel Award, UCLA
2013 Guggenheim award, Mandel Institute for Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ph.D. Anthropology, UCLA, 2014- December 18, 2020.
Dissertation Title: "Objectivity as a Bureaucratic Virtue: The Lived Experience of Objectivity in an Israeli Medical Bureaucracy”
Dissertation Committee: Dr. C. Jason Throop (chair, UCLA), Dr. Sherry B. Ortner (UCLA), Dr. Akhil Gupta (UCLA), Dr. Jarrett Zigon (UVA Anthropology) -
M.A. Sociology and Anthropology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Summa Cum Laude, 2013
B.A. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Cum Laude, 2009
Major: Sociology- Anthropology, Psychology.
Assor, Yael. " Bureaucratizing like a girl: Objectivity and the reinforcement of patriarchy at an Israeli government committee." Feminist Anthropology. Forthcoming.
Peer-reviewed articles
2024 How Culture Shapes Healthcare Policymaking: Lessons from the Israeli Sal Committee and American Health Economists. Ramabam Childrens Hospital Plenary Talk.
2023 Experiencing Truth: On the role of suspicion in creating "good data." Boston University Department of Anthropology.
2023 Objectivity on Trial: On the Epistemic Stature of the State in Administrative Courts. Co-presentation with Yael Cohen-Rimer. Edmond Safra and Lily Center for Ethics, Harvard University
2021 Bureaucratizing Like a Girl: How an Ethics of "Objectivity" Affects Patriarchal Organizations. Tel Aviv University Department of Sociology and Anthropology.
2021 Objectivity in medical policy-making: An Israeli case study of how ethical ideals shape healthcare. Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar Ilan University, Israel
2021 How to Make "Objective" Knowledge? Program in Science and Technology Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
2020 Objectivity in the Making: On Objectivity as an Ideal and as a Practice at the Israeli Sal Committee. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
2020 Bureaucratic Virtue: “Objectivity” at the Israeli Sal Committee. Department of Anthropology, Haifa University, Israel.
2019 “We have No Room for Emotions”: On the Meaning of Objectivity at the Israeli Sal Committee. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
2022 Dilemmas in Feminist Fieldwork: A Roundtable Conversation, Israeli Anthropological Association Annual Conference
2021 Mooded Data. "Engagements with Anthropology of Morality" conference
Department of Anthropology, University of Haifa. Zoom conference.
2021 Bureaucratizing Like a Girl. Society for Psychological Anthropology. Zoom conference
2019 Transgressing Hegemony: A Meditation on Pharmaceutical Corruption. American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
2019 Organizer, Round Table on Medical Anthropology’s Ethical Common-Sens. International Workshop in Medical Anthropology, Van Leer Institute and Ben-Gurion University, Israel
2019 Objectivity as Following Procedures: Conflicting Bureaucratic Legacies in a Bioethical Present. Bioethics and the Legacies of the Holocaust international symposium. Berlin, Germany.
2018 “Statistical Patient” vs. “Identifiable Patient”: The Object of Care in an Israeli Medical Bureaucracy as a site of Adaptation and Resistance. American Anthropological Association Annual Conference, San Jose, CA.
2018 Between Responsibility and Accountability: Problematizing Israeli Healthcare Policymaking. Association for Israel Studies Annual Conference
2017 Ethical visions, Moral subjects, and the everyday enactment of a medical bureaucracy. Society for Psychological Anthropology , New Orleans, LA.
2016 Challenging Power through Moral Expectations: Patients Resisting Medical Policy-Making in Israel. American Anthropological Association Annual Conference , Minneapolis,, MN.
2016 Navigating Moral Dilemmas: How Social Workers Handle Moral Discourses of Care. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada.