Prof. Rahel Jaeggi


Rahel Jaeggi is a Professor for Practical Philosophy and Social Philosophy at the Humboldt University of Berlin. She taught as a Theodor Heuss Professor at the New School for Social Research in New York during the academic year of 2015/16. Rahel Jaeggi’s research areas are in Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophical Anthropology, Social Ontology, Critical Theory and the enhancement of Critical Theory (in a broad sense).

Publications inter alia:

Kritik von Lebensformen (Critique of Forms of Life/English translation forthcoming), Frankfurt/M. 2013; Entfremdung. Zur Aktualität eines sozialphilosophischen Problems, Frankfurt/ M. 2006 (Translation: Alienation, New York 2014); Welt und Person – Zum anthropologischen Hintergrund der Gesellschaftskritik Hannah Arendts (World and Person – On the Anthropological Background of Hannah Arendt's Social Critique), Berlin 1997; Sozialphilosophie. Eine Einführung (Social Philosophy. An Introduction), co-authored with Robin Celikates, Munich 2017; Nach Marx: Philosophie, Kritik, Praxis (After Marx: Philosophy, Critique, Practice), co-edited with Daniel Loick, Frankfurt/M. 2013; Sozialphilosophie und Kritik. (Social Philosophy and Critique), co-edited with Rainer Forst, Martin Hartmann and Martin Saar, Frankfurt/ M. 2009; Was ist Kritik? (What is Critique?), co-edited with Tilo Wesche, Frankfurt/M. 2009.