Limor Meoded Danon

Limor Meoded Danon

Limor  Meoded Danon
Meoded Danon
Queer studies
The sociology of the body and embodiment
335 Mandel Building

Ethics and bio-Social discourse surrounding Intersex bodies
The sociology of the body and embodiment
Queer studies
narrative methodology
Sociology of knowledge



Current Projects: 

  1. “Intersex- Care and Awareness: Changing attitudes towards Intersex individuals and their families”. This is a collaborative German-Israeli project funded by Zukunft, the German-Israeli future forum. This is a unique ethical project that aims to collaboratively create a set of psycho-social tools and methods for German and Israeli social workers and psychologists who work with intersex children and adults.

  2. “Between Genital Mutilation and Social Acceptance” – This study examines the differences and similarities between parents of intersex children and parents who choose to refuse to circumcise their boys.

  3. “The Dynamic between the Discourse of Geneticists, the New Biomedical Technologies, and Intersex Bodies” – This is the title of an additional German-Israeli research collaboration I established together with two scholars from Gottingen University, Prof. Claudia Wiesemann and Marie Sibylla Loske. Simon Zobel, a German life scientist and intersex activist, is also taking part. This research group was established in March 2018 and aims to explore the consequences of the new biogenetic technologies for intersex bodies.

Curriculum Vitae: 

My Doctorate thesis title is " Intersexuality and the “sexing process”: The paradox of sex category". It was conducted at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, under the supervision of Prof. Niza Yanay.
The courses I taught in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Eilat Campus, Sapir Academic College and Achva Academic College are: Qualitative Research Methods, Social Psychology of the Self, Sociology of the Body, Sociological and Anthropological Theories, Introduction to Sociology, Science, Sex, Gender.
I got the teaching excellence award in 2013 from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and in 2009 from Achva Academic College.
I am member at the EuroPSI- European Network for Psychosocial Studies in Intersex/DSD, and at the Cost action DSDnet- European Cooperation in Science and Technology.


Authored books

Chapters in collective volumes 

  • Meoded Danon, L. Between the somatically and politically: The struggle to change the medical policy for intersex people in Israel and Germany. In M. Krumer-Nevo, I. Weiss & R. Strier (EDS), Critical Practices. Collective Hebrew Essays, (accepted on December 23, 2017). (Hebrew).

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2017). Whose body is this, anyway? Intersexual adolescents struggle with the corporeal secret. In E. Lachover, E. Peled, & M. Komem (Eds.), Girlhood and bodies. Jerusalem: Magnes (Hebrew).

Articles published in scientific journals

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2018). Comparing Contemporary Medical Treatment Practices Aimed at Intersexed/DSD Bodies in Israel and Germany. Sociology of Health and Illness. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.12812

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2018). Time Matters for Intersex Bodies: Between socio-medical time and somatic time. Social Science & Medicine, 208, 89-97

  • Meoded Danon, L. (accepted on April 8, 2018). Intersex Activists in Israel: Their Achievements and the Obstacles They Face. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry.

  • Meoded Danon, L. and Anike Krämer. (2017). Between Concealing and Revealing Intersexed Bodies: Parental Strategies. Qualitative Health Research. 27(10), 1562- 1574. DOI: 10.1177/1049732317697100

  • Meoded Danon, L., & Yanay, N. (2016). Intersexuality: On secret bodies and secrecy. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 17(1), 57-72. DOI: DOI: 10.1080/15240657.2016.1135684

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2016). Between My Body and My “Dead Body”, Narratives of Coma. Qualitative health research, 26(2), 227-240.‏ DOI: 10.1177/1049732315578637

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2015).The Body/Secret Dynamic: Life Experiences of Intersexed People in Israel. Sage Open, 5(2), 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/2158244015580370

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2015).The Body/Secret Dynamic: Life Experiences of Intersexed People in Israel. Sage Open, April 11, 1-13.

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2015). Between my Body and my "Dead Body": Narratives of Coma. Qualitative Health Research, 1-14.

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2014).The ramification of the “MinGuf" process” on intersexed people:The tension between the subjective body and the Bio-Social Body. Theory and Criticism, 42, 125-150. (Hebrew).

  • Meoded Danon, L. (2014).The ramification of the “sexing" process” on intersexed people: The tension between the subjective body and the Bio-Social Body. Theory and Criticism, 42, 125-150. (Hebrew)

  • Meoded Danon, L., & Yanay, N. (accepted- Dec. 2014). Intersexuality: On secret bodies and secrecy. Studies in Gender and Sexuality.

Submitted Articles 

  • Schiff, E., B. Brinkhaous and Meoded Danon, L. Improving medical students‘ communication skills with Integrative Medicine : A collaboration between German and Israeli  medical students and mentors. Submitted on August, 2018 to the European Journal of Integrative Medicine.

Articles in preparation

  • Meoded Danon, L. Parental perspective on their Children’s non-normative Genitals. Will be submitted on October, 2018 to Body & Society.

  • Meoded Danon, L. Preventive treatment for intersex/DSD bodies. Will be submitted on November, 2018 to the Social Studies of Science.

  • Meoded Danon, L & Vanessa Bähr. Establishing doctor-patient communicational practices. Will be submitted on December, 2018 to Medical Education.

  • Meoded Danon, L.,& Katinka Schweizer. Intersex-Care and awareness, German and Israeli collaborative projects. Will be submitted on February 2019 (estimate date) to a special issue on ‘intersex studies’ in Critical Social Policy