Movement Analysis
Psychotherapy Process Research
Current Projects:
Psychoanalysis as Dance: Performance and the Aesthetics of Ruptures- An interdisciplinary project to explore the entanglements of psychoanalysis and dance science and to investigate moments of rupture in the psychotherapeutic interaction
Curriculum Vitae
Fellowships and Grants
2020 Post-graduate grant / International Psychoanalytic University Berlin
2017-2018 Post-graduate grant / Baumgartstiftung
2013-2016 Graduate fellowship / Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk
2007-2011 Undergraduate fellowship / Gerhard C. Starck Stiftung
Ph.D. (2017) Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
M.Sc. / B.Sc. (Diploma) (2011) Psychology, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
Bleimling, J. (2018). Gegenübertragung und soziales Trauma. Eine Mikroanalyse des szenischen Erinnerns der Shoah in videografierten Zeitzeugengesprächen. Giessen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
Chapters in books
Stankovic, B., Bleimling, J., Hamburger, A. (2018). How to Do (Awkward) Things with Just a Few Words. Moments of Meeting in Pina Bausch’s Kontakthof. Damen und Herren über 65. In G. Brandstetter, M. B. Buchholz, A. Hamburger, & C. Wulf (Eds.), Rhythmus Balance Resonanz – Multiperspektivische Mikroanalysen von Interaktivität (p.368-385). Berlin: Paragrana – Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, 27(1).
Bleimling, J. (2018a). Assessing Traumatic Reenactment – Now Moments in Survivor Interviews. In A. Hamburger (Ed.). Trauma, Trust and Memory. – Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Trauma (p.179-188). London: Karnac.
Bleimling, J. (2017). Über Worte und Bewegungen. Eine empirische Analyse von moments of meeting in videographierten Zeitzeugengesprächen. In T. Breyer, M. Buchholz, A. Hamburger, S. Pfänder (Eds.). Resonanz, Rhythmus und Synchronisierung: Erscheinungsformen und Effekte (p.377-390). Bielefeld: Transcript.
Peer-reviewed articles
Bleimling, J., Kind, A. (2016). Stalag Holocaust – Pornografie. Eine psychoanalytische Betrachtung der Transformationen des Traumas im Schatten des Eichmann-Prozesses in den 1960er Jahren in Israel. Psychosozial Zeitschrift, 71-83.
Bleimling, J. (2021). Nonverbal moments of meeting – an analysis of three psychodynamic therapy sessions. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, DOI: 10.1080/17432979.2021.1888805
2016 Panel: Scenic memory of the Shoah
47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Jerusalem -
2017 Now Moments in a child psychoanalysis and a school conflict
Psychoanalytic Interdisciplinary Conversation Research, International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin -
2020 Dance of Words - physical expression and unconscious processes in psychotherapies
Institute for Psychoanalysis Psychotherapy Psychosomatics, Berlin