Poetics of Violence
Geographical Exploration
Queer Narratology
Global South
Current Project
The Contribution of Italian Intellectuals in Turning Portugal into a Seafaring Nation: Knowledge, Cooperation and Texts in the 15th and 16th Century
The project examines the extent to which the Italian influence on early Portuguese seafaring was responsible for 1) the success of the exploration voyages along the West African coast and 2) the European circulation of knowledge about these voyages and thus of the glory and successes of the Portuguese. Italian-Portuguese cooperation in the 15th and 16th century is discussed along three axes of investigation and examined in the light of the research question. The three axes are (1) cartographic knowledge from Italy, which was used for the voyages, (2) direct cooperation at sea, which manifested itself in Italian captains exploring the West African coast on behalf of the Portuguese crown, and (3) Italian text collections, in which reports on these early explorations were published and without which there would have been no awareness of the achievements of Portuguese sailors in Europe at the time.
Curriculum Vitae
Fellowships and Grants (selection)
- March 2024-April 2027- DFG-Grant for an academic network, titled “Brazilian-Italian Cultural Contact: Transatlantic Interaction and Knowledge Circulation”.
- September 2024- FAPEG-grant for a visiting lectureship at the Universidade Federal de Goiás (Brazil).
- May 2024- Erasmus+ grant for a visiting lectureship at the Università degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza (Italy).
- May 2023- Erasmus+ grant for a visiting lectureship at the Università degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza (Italy).
- December 2018- DAAD grant for participating at an academic conference at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel).
- 2nd place at the ADLAF-2022 dissertation prize for the doctoral thesis “Coisas futuras! The Metapoetological Function of the Cartomancer in the Context of the Global South as Exemplified through Brazilian Literature”.
- Honorable Mention of the doctoral thesis “Coisas futuras! The Metapoetological Function of the Cartomancer in the Context of the Global South as Exemplified through Brazilian Literature” at the 2021 summit of the German Lusitanist’s Association at Leipzig University.
- Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kathrin Sartingen
PhD-programme (“Doktoratsstudium”)
English title of the dissertation: “Coisas futuras! The Metapoetological Function of the Cartomancer in the Context of the Global South as Exemplified through Brazilian Literature”.
- Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
„Magister“-degree (M.A.) in Romance Studies (special focus on Italy and Brazil), German as a Foreign Language and English Linguistics.
- Università degli Studi di Napoli, L’Orientale, Naples, Italy
Erasmus Exchange Programme (2008/2009).
Study Programme: Linguistics and Literary Translation.
- Kartomantie in der brasilianischen Literatur. Fiktionale Möglichkeitsräume und narrative Hegemonie. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. 2021.
Edited books
- With Jasmin Wrobel (2023): O corpo-cronômetro. As temporalidades do corpo nas literaturas lusófonas. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
- With Jasmin Wrobel (2023): re/traçar história/s. quadrinhos e resistência negra – geschichte/n über/zeichnen. comics und schwarzer widerstand. Cadernos do Instituto Luso-Brasileiro. Köln: PBI.
- With Sarah Burnautzki and Ute Hermanns (2019): „Vozes do Além- Protagonismo e poética de figuras mortas na literatura e no cinema brasileiros“. Dossier für King’s College (ed.): Brasiliana. Journal for Brazilian Studies. Vol. 7, No. 1.
Chapters in books
- “Posthuman Kinship: Monstrous and Slimy Alliances in the Works of Brazilian Travestis“, in: Felten, Uta/Schwan, Tanja/Sehler, Toni (ed.): Queer Studies in Romance Cultures. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. 2024. [submitted]
- “‘Svendita finale. […] L’Europa è spenta, io brancolo nel buio.‘ – Körper und Nacht als Dispositive globaler Sexarbeit am Beispiel von Fernanda Farias de Albuquerques Roman Princesa“, in: Berit Callsen /Mariana Simoni/Jasmin Wrobel (ed.): Transposition, Migration und Körper/Grenzen in der Romania. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. 2024. 205-221.
- “Profecia literária entre memória e previsão no conto O Enforcado de Adriana Lisboa”, in: Kathrin Sartingen/ /Hans Fernández (ed.): Das Spiel mit der Zeit in portugiesischsprachigen Literatur- und Filmtexten: Zwischen Erinnern und Vorhersagen / O truque do tempo em literaturas e filmes de língua portuguesa: Entre lembrar e prever. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. 2023. 77-91.
- “Polymorphic bodies between animal and human in Las Malas by Camila Sosa Villada”, in: Berit Callsen/Philipp Seidel (ed.): Cuerpos diversos: Estéticas de diversidad corporal en España y América Latina en los siglos XX y XXI. Tranvía. 2023. 249-269.
- “Velhice transviada de João W. Nery e a polifonia da autoficção”, in: Janek Scholz/Jasmin Wrobel (ed.): O relógio da vida não anda para trás: gravidez, doenças, idade e o corpo-cronômetro. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2023. 161-178.
- „’E questo eroe working class é il mi’ babbo.’ Der Vater als anachronistisches Leitmotiv bei Giorgio Falco und Alberto Prunetti“, in: Schröer, Marie/Schuhen, Gregor/Henk, Lars (ed.): Prekäre Männlichkeiten. Klassenkämpfe, soziale Ungleichheit und Abstiegsnarrative. Bielefeld: Transcript. 2022. 149-172.
- With Jasmin Wrobel: „A representação da(s) identidade(s) trans na obra de Laerte Coutinho“, in: Moreira, Luciana/Wieser, Doris (ed.): A flor de cuerpo. Representaciones del género y de las disidencias sexo-genéricas en Latinoamérica. Frankfurt/Madrid: Iberoamericana Vervuert. 2021. 277-303.
Journal Articles
„Künste des Dazwischen als Künste der Transgression: Text-Bild-Relationen in diana salus cartas para ninguém“, in: Julia Dettke/Jasmin Wrobel (ed.): Künste des Dazwischen: Graphische Literatur und visuelle Poesie der Romania als Genres en marge. Dossier für die Zeitschrift apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania]. 2023. 170-190.
- With Patricio Simonetto: „The Challenges of Trans* Public Policy in Argentina and Germany. A Conversation Between Nyke Slawik and Alba Rueda”, in: Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 3-4. Northwestern. 2022. 261-275.
- „Sérgio Zimbas Covid-19-Karikaturen im Kontext öffentlicher Gesundheitsfürsorge in Mosambik“, in: Bobineau, Julien et al. (ed.): Promptus. Würzburger Beiträge zur Romanistik. Vol. 7. 2021. 133-155.
- „Mit Humor gegen die Krise. Die Covid-19 Comics von Leo Ortolani und Zerocalcare“, in: Zibaldone. Zeitschrift für italienische Kultur der Gegenwart 71/2021. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. 109-122.