Ancient Philosophy
Moral Responsibility
Social Epistemology
Email: Christopher.n.roser@gmail.com
Current Projects:
My research focuses on the nature and value of rationality, reasons and argumentation. I address these issues in the setting both of Ancient Philosophy and current epistemology and ethics. Currently, I work on the roots of our understanding of moral responsibility in Classical Antiquity, in and before Aristotle, and on the question in which way rationality and moral responsibility are interconnected. I am also interested in topics in social epistemology, such as the epistemic justice, fake news and the value of arguing with others.
Curriculum Vitae
Fellowships and Positions
2020-2021 Lecturer in Philosophy at the Humboldt University Berlin (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
2020 Research Fellow at the Cluster “Philosophy, Science and the Sciences”, Humboldt University Berlin
Doctoral Fellowship by the German Research Foundation (DGF), Humboldt University Berlin
Cambridge Trust Scholarship
2019 Humboldt University Berlin, PhD in Philosophy, Graduate Program of Ancient Philosophy
Title: The Epistemic Value of Logos. Gorgias, Isocrates and Plato on the Possibility of Giving Reasons to Others
2012 University of Cambridge, MPhil in Classics
2011 Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, MPhil in Philosophy, Logic, and Theory of Science
2010 University of Oxford, Queen’s College, Visiting Student in Philosophy
Further Research Visits:
Columbia University, New York (Visiting Scholar)
University of Toronto (Visiting Graduate Student)
University of Chicago (Guest Lecturer)
Essays on Argumentation in Antiquity, co-edited with Jospeh Bijelde and David Marry, Springer Press, 2021 (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030708160)
Chapters in books:
What is the Difference Between the Dialectical and Rhetorical Use of Arguments? A Paradigm-Based Approach to Plato’s Socrates, Essays on Argumentation in Antiquity, 2021 (Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-70817-7_5)
Invited Talks
Epistemic Blame. Humboldt University Berlin,
Plato’s Account of Rational Persuasion. University of Bergen
Logos and Rationality in Plato. University of Bonn
Rational Persuasion in Plato’s Gorgias. University of Chicago.
The Link between Argumentation and Rationality in its Ancient Beginnings, University of Windsor, Colloquium of the Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric
Reasoning and its Role in Gorgias. University of Toronto
Why (still) argue? University of Art and Design Burg Griebenstein Halle
Plato’s Notion of Validity. A Dialectical Approach, Begriffe der Logik – Logik der Begriffe, University Leipzig
The Roots of the Problem of Free Will, XXV. Congress of the German Society for Philosophy
On the Relation between the Forms and Dialectic in Plato’s early dialogue, IUC Dubrovnik
On the Role of Rationality and Logos in the Quarrel between Rhetoric and Philosophy, Études Platoniciennes, 5th SEP international Workshop, ENS Paris
Gorgias and Plato on the Distinction Between Being Rational and Being Irrational, 34th joint meeting of The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (SAGP), Fordham University, New York.