Avigail Manekin-Bamberger

Avigail Manekin-Bamberger

Jewish magic
Rabbinic literature

The Talmud in its Historical Context
Aramaic Incantation Bowls
Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity
Rabbinic Literature

Ancient magic
Material culture 


Current Projects: 

“Scholastics, Scribes, and Sorcerers: A History of Non-Rabbinic Judaism in Late Antique Mesopotamia” I am currently working on a comprehensive historical study of a large corpus of Jewish magical texts written on bowls dated to the 6th century CE. In this study I focus on three areas: 1) the daily life of Jewish individuals; 2) the scope of rabbinic authority over popular Jewish groups, and 3) the boundaries between Jewish and Christian communities.

Curriculum Vitae: 


  • 2019 - Ph.D. in the Program of Talmud and Ancient Jewish Literature, Department of Hebrew Culture Studies, Tel Aviv University. Dissertation Topic: Intersections between Law and Magic in Ancient Jewish Texts. Supervisors: Gideon Bohak and Ishay Rosen-Zvi.

  • 2012 - MA in Talmud, Hebrew University, Thesis Topic: The Contribution of the Aramaic Incantation Bowls to the Study of Rabbinic Literature. Supervisor: Menahem Kahana

  • 2007 - BA in Talmud and Jewish Studies specializing in: Rabbinic Thought and Literature, Jewish History of the Second Temple. Magna Cum Laude, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 



  • “Jewish Legal Formulae in the Aramaic Incantation Bowls,” Aramaic Studies, 13. 1 (2015), 69-81.

  • "An Akkadian Demon in the Babylonian Talmud: Between Sulak and Bar Siriqa," Journal for the Study of Judaism, 44.2 (2013), 282-287.\

  • "Who were the Jewish ‘magicians’ behind the Aramaic incantation bowls?" Journal of Jewish Studies (forthcoming (

  • "The Vow-Curse in Ancient Jewish Texts," Harvard Theological Review 112.3 (2019), 340-357.

Books (In Collaboration)

  • Meerson, Michael, Peter Schafer, Yaacov Deutsch, David Grossberg, Avigail Manekin, and Adina Yoffie. Toledot Yeshu = The Life Story of Jesus: Two Volumes and Database. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014.