Dr. Amir Reicher


Social Anthropology


Current Project

I am a cultural anthropologist studying the West Bank settlement project. My work lies at the intersection of political anthropology, settler-colonial studies, anthropology of religion, and political theory. I am currently writing a book based on almost two years of anthropological fieldwork during which I lived in an illegal Jewish outpost settlement in the Judean Desert. On one level, Between Two Messiahs is a study of how a settler-colonial process takes place. Literally. As in how settlers grab more land and establish settlements against Palestinian resistance. By studying this process from the ground up, my work challenges some of the established axioms within the settler-colonial paradigm, particularly concerning the West Bank settlement project. On a second level, by focusing on a particular strand of outpost settlers, this book will be about how political radicalism unfolds in the aftermath of messianic fervor. From this angle, my work deals with what I understand as post-ideological radicalism.

Curriculum Vitae 

Major Prizes, Fellowships and Grants 

2023-   Martin Buber Society of Fellows Postdoctoral Fellowship, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

2023             New Perspectives in Jewish Studies Award, Columbia University

2021             Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. [Declined] 

2021-22         Mellon/American Council of Learned Sciences, Dissertation Completion Fellowship

2020-21         Mellon Committee on Globalization and Social Change, CUNY Graduate Center Dissertation

2019              Wenner-Gren Foundation, Dissertation Fieldwork Grant 

2018-19         Social Science Research Council, Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship.

2012              Tel Aviv University, History Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement.



2024    “Nomos-Aversion and the Art of Being Somewhat Governed among Jewish Outpost Settlers in the West Bank.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9655.14203

2023    "Zrima: The Colonial Flow." History of the Present 13, no. 2 (2023): 219-243.

2023    "Settler-Colonialism in the West Bank from the Standpoint of its Mizrahi settlers." Ethnic and Racial Studies 46, no. 7 (2023): 1314-1334.

2023    “Dangerous Mimicry in the West Bank” In Anthropological Approaches to ‘Settler-Indigeneity’ in the West Bank. Edited by Rachel Feldman and Ian McGonigle. McGill University Press (April 2023).




2024    Invited Talk. “From Eretz Yisrael to Adamah: On Metaphysical Detachment and the Turn to the Concrete Among West Bank Settlers (or: What Drives Settlers to Grab More Land), Columbia University, Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies, April 2024.

2023    Presented, “Israel’s Judicial Overhaul and Nomos-Aversion Among West Bank Settlers.” New York University, Association for Israeli Studies (AIS), June.


2023    Presented, “Activating Doubt Among Outpost Settlers in the West Bank.” American Ethnological Association (AES). Princeton University, March.


2022    Presented, “Stuck in Time – Expanding Into Space.” Association for Jewish Studies (AJS) Annual Conference. December.


2022    Presented, “The Time of Place, The Place of Time: The Time West Bank Settlers See.” Mansfield College, Oxford, European Association of Israeli Studies (EIAS). September.


2022    Presented, “The West Bank Settlement Project from the Standpoint of its Mizrahi Settlers.” Bar-Ilan University, Association for Israeli Studies (AIS), June.


2022    Presented, “God is in the (Material) Details: Macramé and the Messianic Process.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Baltimore, Maryland, November.


2021    Presented, “Living Without a Banister: On the Desire for Grounding among West Bank Outpost Settlers.” University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Association for Israeli Studies (AIS), June.


2020    Paper accepted, “Messianic and Post-Messianic Things: On Inter-Generational Shifts of Temporal Understanding among Settlers in the West Bank”, The University of Texas at Austin, American Ethnological Society (AES), March 2020 [Conference canceled]


2019    Organized panel and presented, “From Messianic Tools to Post-Messianic Artifacts”, Charles University, Prague, European Association of Israeli Studies (EIAS). September.


2019    Presented, “Redemptive Hi-Tech”, Kineret College, Kineret, Association for Israeli Studies (AIS), May.


2018    Presented, “After the Messiah: How West Bank Settlers face the end of the End?”, University of California, Berkeley, Association for Israeli Studies (AIS), June.


2018    Organized panel and presented, “Once as Tragedy Second Time as Farce – the Reincarnation of the Wandering Jew in the West Bank”, SOAS University of London, European Association of Israeli Studies (EIAS), September.


2017    Presented, “Messianism and its Aftermaths Among Second-Generation Settlers,” Wroclaw University, European Association of Israeli Studies (EAIS), September.


Courses Taught

Colonialism, Gender, and the Nation

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Anthropology of Religion

Power and Politics

Theory in Cultural Anthropology

Myth and Folklore

Witchcraft and Magic