Anthropological History from Early Islam to Early Modern Times
Material Culture
History of the Book
Manuscript Studies
Arabic Codicology
Digital Humanities
Recipe Studies
Current Projects
The Making of Arab Cuisine: Production and Transmission of Culinary Knowledge in the Medieval Islamic World.
Curriculum Vitae
Fellowships and Grants
2012-2013 Ph.D. Fellowship in Humanities & Social Sciences, the Embassy of France in Israel.
2009-2010 Bursary Program Israel 2009, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany.
2007-2008 The Authority for Advanced Studies Scholarship for MA Excellence, University of Haifa.
2010 Dean’s Honor Student for Advanced Studies, University of Haifa.
2009 Dean of Humanities Excellency for MA Studies, University of Haifa.
2020 Ph.D., History and Civilisations, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS).
2010 M.A., Middle Eastern Studies, University of Haifa.
De la recette au recueil: les livres de cuisine du Moyen-Orient médiéval (IVe-Xe/Xe-XVIe siècles) (From the Recipe to the Collection: Cookbooks of the Medieval Middle East, Fourth-Teneth/Teneth-Sixteenth Centuries) [in french] (in preparation for Brill). (see no. 1, 3, 5, 8, 14)
Peer-reviewed Articles
“On Form and Content: Medieval Culinary Recipe-poems in Arabic,” Micrologus 32. (forthcoming)
“Productive Laziness: How Historical Arabic Cookery Literature Developed Out of Boredom,” Dibur. (under review)
“Tracing the Origin of a Practice: The Earliest Recipes for Alcoholic Beverages in Medieval Arabic Cookbooks,” Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (REMMM) 151, pp. 41-64
“Beyond Cooking: The Roles of Chefs in Medieval Court Kitchens of the Islamic East,” Food & History, 15:1-2 (2017), pp. 85-114.
Chapters in books
“Un choix diététique ou gustatif? Les préparations digestives selon la littérature culinaire arabe médiévale” (Gustatory or Dietetic Choice? Digestive Confections according to Medieval Arabic Cookery Literature) [in French] (under review)
“Thou Shalt Not Speak at the Table? Table Manners According to Medieval Arabic Literature” in Yair Furstenberg, Dana Kaplan, Nathan Wasserman, and Zeev Weiss (eds.), Setting Tables: Eating, Social Boundaries and Intercultural Transfers. [in Hebrew] (forthcoming)
“Medieval Middle Eastern Court Taste: The Mamluk Case,” in Yuval Ben-Bassat (ed.), New Perspectives in Mamluk History, Leiden: Brill, 2017, pp. 76-96.
Articles in Encyclopedia
“Food,” in Fitzpatrick, C. & Walker, A. (eds.), Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture; An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2014, pp. 211-216.
Elmakias, Avraham, The Naval Commanders of Early Islam: A Prosopographical Approach, English trans. by Limor Yungman. Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2019.
2021 “Cadeaux et relations diplomatiques dans le monde musulman” (Gifts and Diplomatic Relations in the Islamic World), Congrès du GIS Moyen-Orient et mondes musulmans 28 au 2 juillet 2021 (in French).
2021 “On Form and Content: Medieval Culinary Recipe-poems in Arabic,” The Culinary Recipe from the XIIth to the XVIIth centuries (Europe, Islam, Far East), Online Symposium - 17th to 29th May 2021.
2020 “The Arab Cuisine in the Middle Ages in the Mirror of Culinary Recipes,” invited lecture, the Mandel Scholion Research Group ‘Setting Tables: Eating, Social Boundaries and Intercultural Transfers,’ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 19 November 2020 (in Hebrew).
2020 “L’art de la fermentation dans les recettes anciennes coréennes et arabes” (The Art of Fermentation in Korean and Arab Historical Recipes), Les jeudis de CoReMa: séminaire mensuel d’histoire de la cuisine, Villa Rabelais, Tours, France, 12 November 2020 (in French).
2019 “Les livres de cuisine arabes de l’Orient musulman” (Arabic Cookbooks of the Islamic East), Les jeudis de CoReMa: séminaire mensuel d’histoire de la cuisine, Villa Rabelais, Tours, France, 21 Mars 2019. (in French)
2017 “Manuscrits de traités culinaires: méthodes de travail au XXIe siècle” (Manuscrits of Cookery Books: Working Methods in the 21st century), Stage d’initiation aux manuscrits arabes (Training course) organized by IRHT, BULAC, Paris, France, 13-14 November 2017. (in French)
2017 “In the Name of the Recipe: Medieval Middle Eastern Recipes and Their Titles. An Evolutionary Examination,” Third International Conference on Food History and Food Studies, IEHCA, Tours, France, 1-2 June 2017.