Apart from enjoying the caves and the beach, during the retreat in May we used the second day to discuss the topic of “argumentation". We wanted to bridge the disciplinary borders and discuss how each of us develops our arguments, and, moreover, how arguments are presented in each of our disciplines.
The workshop included two parts. In the morning session, we divided into six groups, based on disciplinary affiliation or proximity in the field of studies. Each person gave an informal presentation on how argumentation works for her/him; or what is the common way to present an argument in her/his discipline; or what is considered “mainstream” or unacceptable in the field, and to what extent her/his work abides to these conventions.
After lunch, we gathered again for a plenary discussion, in which we learned about similarities and differences between disciplines. In this session, each group presented the internal issues that came up in the first session. This led to a final open discussion about comparative conventions and practices of argumentation across the various disciplines.