As seen in research, teaching, as well as culture, images play a vital role in mediating knowledge. Used in public talks, academic lectures, art, and journalism, they are used to provide a wide spectrum of information – and mirror the same time the inherent logic of the field in which they are presented.
The aim of this interdisciplinary symposium was to bring together Israeli and German scholars from interdisciplinary different fields – such as theatre and performance studies, musicology, media studies, neuroscience and art practice – to discuss on the importance of images. The symposium featured nine talks in four panels – “Performance – Imaging Sound and Space”, “Literature, Art and Poetry”, “Activism, Access, and Archives: Images and Politics”, and “Psychology: Images in ‘Mind’”. Besides Outlined by the discussions connected to the actual case studies presented by the speakers, it became clear that images and visualizations are created and used in different disciplines visualize their data in very different ways – as illustration, as symbols, as research object and research method alike. The same time it was evident, that all talks referred to very similar challenges and questions concerning their visual strategies.
In the evening, we were delighted to welcome Benjamin Balint as keynote speaker. He presented excerpts of his book “Jerusalem: City of the Book” (co-authored with Merav Mack, forthcoming with Yale University Press) and photographs from Jerusalem’s hidden treasures – libraries which mostly are closed to the public but holding books, manuscripts, and photographs from several centuries ago.
“Intermediary Images” was the first workshop co-organized by the German Young Academy (Miriam Akkermann) and the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Evelyn Runge).
Conference website: http://intermediaryimages.diejungeakademie.de/