The premise of my presentation is simple: everyone can give a good talk. A talk, however, is a multifaceted challenge. In my short presentation (20-30 minutes) I will touch upon some of the global elements that are at our disposal when we prepare and deliver a great talk. Of the several elements, I will offer an outlook that provides concrete tools for setting the right tone for your talk. In addition, I will discuss ways to practice and provide constructive feedback for (practice) talks.
as for me:
Dr. Landau is an assistant prof. at the departments of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences. She joined the faculty of HUJI in 2014-5 where she founded the brain attention and time lab (www.landaulab.com). Her research focuses on how the brain codes for the passage of time as well as on what perceptions (sensory) are made of. The ideas she will present are informed by almost two decades of sitting in good talk, and bad talks -- and spending a lot of time thinking about the elements that discern the two. As a lab PI she is dedicated to the training of students and postdocs as they enter the rink of scientific communications. The talk she will deliver is a sub-section of a 3-hour spiel on how to give a talk which she occasionally delivers as a guest lecturer in career development classes.
Amir Engel teaches at the German department at the Hebrew University. He studied philosophy, literature and culture-studies at the Hebrew University and completed his PhD. at the German Studies department at Stanford University. He also taught and conducted research at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. His current project deals with Jewish-German Esotericism and he works on a project on the Postwar European Culture, titled "After the Shock: The uniqueness of the Immediate Postwar