Thu, 20/04/202310:00

Mandel Building, Auditorium 4th floor
JOIN US on April 20th in the Auditorium of the Mandel Building (4th floor) at the Hebrew University Mount Scopus.
We invite you to a discussion with international guests who share cases on applying Design Thinking in Academic Research as well as fresh insights from the Symposium “Design: Thinking, Making, Doing“ from the Martin-Buber-Society and Zukunftskolleg Konstanz Fellows.
Prof. Dr. Katja Tschimmel will navigate us through INSPIRING TALKS on academic projects that are bold, innovative and dare to make a difference, followed by a Panel Discussion with academic guests.
We invite you to a discussion with international guests who share cases on applying Design Thinking in Academic Research as well as fresh insights from the Symposium “Design: Thinking, Making, Doing“ from the Martin-Buber-Society and Zukunftskolleg Konstanz Fellows.
Prof. Dr. Katja Tschimmel will navigate us through INSPIRING TALKS on academic projects that are bold, innovative and dare to make a difference, followed by a Panel Discussion with academic guests.