Sun, 03/06/201810:00-17:00

The Forum for Contemporary Ethnomusicology held its 3rd International Summer Workshop on June 3-4 at the Mandel School for Advanced Studies, under the auspices of the Martin Buber Society. In addition to papers by members of the Forum, this year's workshop featured two distinguished senior scholars: Prof. Gregory Melchor-Barz (Vanderbilt University) President of the Society for Ethnomusicology and Israel Prize Laureate, Prof. Edwin Seroussi (The Hebrew University). The two presented masterclasses on issues relating to the social responsibilities of ethnomusicologists. In a third session, moderated by the convener, Buber fellow Dr. Oded Erez, Profs. Barz and Seroussi discussed how ethnomusicology has changed over the last 30 years, inviting participants to think about their role in the dynamic nature of disciplines.